" One of the most common questions that are asked at the gym is, " I have an injury, can I still do Functional Fitness"... And with enthusiasm, we answer, "YES"... As active people, injuries, bumps, and bruises are expected. Functional Fitness is intended for everyone and our program is designed to accommodate people of all ages, abilities, and injuries. Each workout, movement, and modality has a modification and scale to suit your physical needs. All we ask is that you let your coach know prior to class, that you are working with an injury and you are all set!
Are you working with something a little more serious? Feel free to contact us to inquire about specific scales and modifications for you.
Physical Therapy
In addition to scaling and modifying a program to tailor to your abilities, we have an in house Doctor of Physical Therapy on staff. Dr. Kellen Scantlebry possess extensive knowledge of human movement patterns and orthopedics; specializing in both injury rehabilitation and prevention. All of our therapists are also Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists with years of experience helping all levels of patients from sedentary, to weekend warriors, to high level athletes. Above all, our professionals are personable, friendly, and are driven to help you succeed.
When it comes to rehabilitation and fitness, what sets our team apart is that our medical and fitness professionals spend 60 minutes with each client at every session. 65% more one-on-one time than industry standards! We understand the busy, fast-paced NYC lifestyle, so 30 minute sessions are also offered for patients’ convenience. If you are tired of sharing your physical therapy visits with other patients, or tired of personal trainers causing you injuries call 646-878-8348 or email now to set up an appointment!